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‘Fear is a legitimate feeling. Fear of failing in an exam, losing our job, losing our customers, losing a contract, losing a relationship – will always be there, will always stress us out. Like all other things, occasional switching-off on fear could be a great stressbuster. Let us be brave for a few hrs in the day’  


‘If I have a good son, he will make his own fortune; if you have a spoilt son, he will squander all that I leave him in inheritance. So, what am I saving for?’ [COLLECTED]

‘All individuals should learn to find happiness on their own. Depending on others (partners, spouses) could make you vulnerable to heartbreaks’

‘India will become a perfect secular state by 2081. Because, by then, Minoritarianism and Majoritarianism would have spent equal length of time, and by the laws of arithmetical average, the needle will point at the perfect mean’

Secularism, in modern India, is a disease. It is a combination of Selective Amnesia and Stockholm Syndrome.


My Philosophy

My Philosophy

‘Success now, Moksha later’'

You cannot start to appreciate the other good things in life as long as you are busy counting money'

'I was happy with a Maruti until my neighbour brought a Mercedes'

'I saved a lot of money but forgot to enjoy it. In my old age it became like pieces of paper to me. When my children started fighting over it, it became a liability'

'People who say to be successful you need skill, talent and hard-work are wrong. You just need to be at the right place at the right time'

'Society taught me how to be rich, but it forgot to teach me how to be happy. By the time I learnt it from experience, many years of my life was lost in unhappiness'

''How many of you have stayed in a luxury hotel out of your own money and not shared pictures on social media? Is it the luxury or the neighbour’s envy that is making you happy? If it is luxury, it is still fine. If it is the envy, you are sick'

'Greatest virtue is self-motivation'

'Optimism and will-power are interconnected things. You cannot have one and not have the other'

'Those who do not have anything else to love, love money'

'India was never a Secular nation, it was a Minoritarian nation –perhaps the only of its kind in the world'

'Secularism will start from where hypocrisy will end'

‘Work hard today but don’t defer the party for tomorrow; tomorrow is a disloyal concept; it doesn’t always follow your plan’


‘Love is a lovely thing as long as you keep your expectations in check’

‘Time is a precious thing, but don’t save too much of it. Lots of time and no work could get you stressed’

‘The talented court-historians did not know there was a temple under the Babri mosque until the court told them. That speaks volumes of the history we learnt all these years’

‘’Happily everafter’ is a merely contextual assumption. Outside the context of the story it has very no significance’  

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